Words: Scott Photos: Jason Belsky (@JayBelsky) Date: Feb 3rd, 2024
Tyler Surfing With Instructor Vinny
"Really stoked to help out with Surf for all at Skudin Surf American Dream yesterday! Tyler (7) and I (38), had the most incredible experience surfing at Skudin Surf with Surf for All and Challenged Athletes Foundation, "CAF". We have Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia, which impacts our balance and strength in our lower extremities; the Surf for All instructors, were patient, thoughtful, encouraging and knowledgeable. We had so much fun being in (and on) the water and can't wait for our next opportunity."
- Scott / Tylers Dad
Scott at Amercian Dream Surfing With CAF
Scott and Tyler Post Surf Session At American Dream